Alarm not displayed on lock screen

Device: Pixel 8 Pro
OS: Android 14
App: Caynax Alarm Clock PRO
App ver.: version 13.1.5 PRO

Issue: During alarm, alarm is not displayed on lock screen.

Attempts to troubleshoot: Verified permission “Display over other apps” is set properly.

Possible resolution: Add permission “Full screen notifications” (Allow this app to show notifications that take up the full screen when the device is locked. Apps may use these to highlight alarms, incoming calls, or other urgent notifications.)

I’m dumb. I had the option “Send notifications to WEAR devices” enabled. It appears to show when the that option is turned off. Sorry!

Turning this setting ON prevents showing alarm over lock screen and even turning on screen. Since user uses WEAR then device might be not close to him so no need to “unlock” it since user can handle alarm on WEAR device.