Version 9.3, Issue 1: Trying out alarm always at loudest

I have HTC U12+ phone, Android 8.0.0. Since the Caynax Alarm Clock update, I now have three issues. This is issue one, Trying out alarm always at loudest.

One of the places to see this issue is to go to Settings >> Profiles >> New Alarm Default Settings >> Ringtone.

I like the interface. Except I don’t like that all the alarms always play at loudest. Play any alarm to try it out. It plays at loudest. If I am quick enough to turn down the volume on my phone, the volume lowers before the alarm finishes playing. However, play the alarm again and the volume is back up to loudest.

What I hope you will do is give some way to control how loud the alarms play when trying them out. Always playing alarms at loudest hurts my ears so much, I will be forced to switch to some other alarm app.

In Version 9.3.1, I am very pleased that this problem appears fixed in one place. I see that this problem is still not fixed in another place.

The path to where it is fixed: From the main display, New Alarm >> Quick. Set arbitrary alarm time. Swipe left 2 times. Set Ringtone volume as desired. Press Ringtone. Try any Ringtone. Observe that the Ringtone plays at whatever volume you set.

The path to where it is still broken: From the main display, The three dots in upper right >> Settings >> Profiles >> New alarm default settings. Set Ringtone volume as desired. Press Ringtone. Try any Ringtone. Observe that the Ringtone plays at loudest, ignoring the volume setting.

I bolded and italicized the differences in the two procedures above.

I highly value seeing that the Caynax Alarm Clock is actively maintained. I hope you will make the Ringtone volume affect the loudness of the alarm when trying out different alarms.

Will be fixed in 9.5 app version. Thank you for report.

Sounds great!
Thank you.